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Positive Energy.

Unlimited Support.

Real People.

Real Results.


​“We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.” - John Dryden

They say we are what we repeatedly do. Good or bad. So it would make sense that we have habits that are both beneficial and destructive. This is especially true when it comes to our health, and more specifically, our nutrition. A large portion of us struggle with the nutrition aspect when it comes to our health régime. How many people can say they started a new healthy habit, only to be back at square one a few weeks later?? Or you started the process of health & wellness, but had old habits sabotage your goals? Or maybe the whole process is just too overwhelming, and you’ve stayed stuck in the same unhealthy habits/lifestyle for years?


And for all of these exact reasons, I decided to create the 21-Day Challenge. To help you move forward, and focus on creating ONE healthy habit at a time.  I decided to break this challenge up into LEVELS, (just like your virtual bootcamp workouts!), allowing you to pick the level that fits your life. You choose the LEVEL you want to work on and we focus on building that HABIT for the next 21 days.  


These booklets are great for people who are self-motivated and ready to dig in. They provide you with the structure and the outline to have physical success, all you have to do is commit to the process. As with anything, these programs get the best results when followed as closely as possible. I have had clients lose anywhere from 5-14lbs in 21 days. It depends on you, your body, and your adherence to the program. Those who had higher adherence had more dramatic results, but they were ready and made the necessary changes to make it happen.


It is also important to note that you must to be honest with yourself when it comes to which “LEVEL” you are currently at. You may want to be a “Level 3”, but in reality you are a “Level 1”. In working with many clients over the years, I have noticed if they bite off more than they can chew they end up discouraged and defeated. So we want to be kind to ourselves (and honest) and work with the level we are truly at. This will set you up to experience the most success as well as set a strong foundation for the future.  


If you’re looking for a more personalized approach to your nutrition, check out ‘Nutrition Coaching’ to work one-on-one with Shea. 





Level 1: “Cut the Crap”


This will be the most basic level. Focusing on giving you support, guidance, and knowledge on what to cut from your diet and how to start eating more whole foods.

Cost: $20 



Level 2: “Portions”


This is the next level up, assuming you have a hold on your eating habits and what you put into your body on a regular basis. This level will help you discover proper portion sizes, so that you will be able to eat the right foods in the right amounts.

Cost: $25



Level 3: “The Whole Kit & Kaboodle”


This level is a combination of what to fuel your body with and how much, along with the added challenge of how to achieve the next level of leanness. It would provide you with information on how to plan out your daily meals for weekly success. This would be the most challenging level, but one with huge benefits.

Cost: $35


Each level will get you results, you just need to pick the one that is best for you. Once you choose the level you want to commit to, you will be provided with a booklet of VERY HELPFUL information to help you on your way and set you up for success! Along with providing you with the tools to succeed, I am a firm believer in support & accountability, so you will have access to these at all times. Combining this 21-Day package along with your bootcamp workouts, you will see powerful results and even better you will FEEL AMAZING!



That is all of the information I am going to disclose for now, if you wish to learn more or you can also register by contacting Shea personally:



Note: Currently being revised and updated! Ready for purchase July 2021.

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Level 1 - Cut the Crap
Cost $20.00




Level 2 - Portions
Cost $25.00




Level 3 - The Whole Kit & Kaboodle
Cost $35.00



Do you feel you need more than just the levels?


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“Hold the Vision, Trust the Process.”

- Unknown

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