Hello! I am here to answer some commonly asked questions about Virtual Bootcamp, like “What the heck is it?” and “How does it work?”.
So let’s start off with the basics. Virtual Bootcamp is an exercise program offered to you virtually through Zoom. I have been teaching in-person Bootcamp/workout classes for the past 11 years, but had to pivot due to COVID. BOOM in enters, Virtual Bootcamp! It has been a blessing in disguise during these times as it has allowed me to connect with individuals outside of my usual range. Now that we are not limited by space or time, I have expanded from instructing in Portage only to multiple locations. I have campers who come from all over Manitoba (Portage, Brandon, Winnipeg, Dauphin, Thompson and Macgregor to name a few!), to Alberta, Ontario, BC, all the way down to Mississippi and Utah in the States, to across the world in NEPAL . It’s truly amazing!
These workout classes can be done by tuning in LIVE every Monday, Wednesday and Friday OR you may choose the recordings. You can actually even choose a combination of the two if that works best for you. Options! Haha ☺️
I tend to lean towards instructing full-body workouts, but I also like to switch it up to keep you on your toes! So it isn’t uncommon to see different splits (upper body only, leg day or a cardio & abs class) throughout the 7-8 week sessions. I LOVE resistance/weight training, but I do mix in HIIT cardio, along with a proper warm-up at the beginning and a stretching cool down routine at the end of the workout.
I offer varying levels of exercises/options during each and every workout. This guarantees that there are always modifications for those just starting or for those with joint issues. On the opposite end there are advanced options for those wanting the extra challenge and feel ready for that next level, and of course there is even something in between! ☺️This allows you to always be in control and to form the workout to your unique fitness level and even your energy level for that day.
You can have a great workout with just an exercise mat and a set of dumbbells, especially if you are just starting. However, if you want more variety and are looking for continual progression it is beneficial to invest in: a stability ball, multiple sets of weights, a fabric glute resistance band, and a step for step-ups among other exercises.
Live classes are a great option for those who are looking for accountability, a group atmosphere and a coach who will watch your form, give you pointers and cheer you on. Live classes allow me the ability to watch campers if they decide to turn their video on. I personally like this option the best as it allows me to connect with you, learn your body, and watch you progress. Not everyone is comfortable or wants their camera on, so you can also tune in LIVE with it switched off. I’ll still cheer for you! Haha.😃 I find LIVE also offers great accountability as I will be watching for you to sign-in and make sure you get your workout in.
Recordings have been wonderful! They have allowed people with schedules that don’t align with the LIVE classes to get their workouts in at their own convenience. They’re also great for those that have life happen and they end up missing their scheduled live class. No problem! They just send me a quick message and I will send them the recording of that class so they’re able to stay in routine. Basically, the recorded option is perfect for people who have schedules that need FLEXIBILITY. In addition, I have found that some newcomers enjoy the recordings so that they can PAUSE or REWIND the workouts when first learning the movements. They are a great addition to virtual bootcamp and have helped to create enormous flexibility for me and those in camp.
If choosing the LIVE option, I will send you a link and password the day before each class. If you choose the recorded option, I will send you the recording every Monday, Wednesday or Friday. You will have 5 days to complete the recorded workout. All links (live and recorded) will be sent via email. It is truly easy peazy.😊
Virtual Bootcamp is not only a great way to get fit, become strong and stay safe during these unprecedented times, but it offers you an incredible support system. This support is gained through access to our private Facebook group, connecting you to the fellow campers who are doing the training alongside you and to a coach who cares. Within this group you can find us talking about our sweaty workouts together, discussing different health related topics, and sharing inspiration through personal success stories. It’s also the place where the campers come to beak me. Lol 🤣
I think that is it for now, if you wish to learn more or register contact me personally
Thanks for your time and I hope you check things out!


*Currently Shea's oldest bootcamper is 71 years old and her youngest is 17 years old (younger if you count when the kids join in! Haha). ️
*Virtual Bootcamp is not limited to gender, as Shea has both men and women participating in her workouts. It's not uncommon to see a husband & wife duo signing up for classes and doing their workouts together!
*Every Virtual Bootcamp session includes a wide variety of fitness levels and bootcamp experience. Shea’s classes are filled with: campers who are brand new to bootcamp and are experiencing her workouts for the very first time; campers who have been on a hiatus (months to years) and have decided to return; as well as campers who have been training with Shea consistently for YEARS (some for 10+)!
All of these “FUN FACTS” showcase the diversity of Shea’s workouts, and that is something she is extremely proud of. Each workout is made with the intention of creating a fun, dynamic and inclusive experience. 💪😃
Payment plans available (monthly or biweekly). Connect with Shea to discuss.





What I love the most about Shea Fust Virtual Bootcamp is how it’s real people being real. No judgment, just motivation, support and a lot of laughs. Shea’s little “sneak in” extended time on certain exercises proves to yourself that you can do it and you are stronger than you think! It’s reality TV. You have people cussing and sweating. Moaning and groaning. Middle fingers flying and cats roaming....real.
- Michelle -
I have tried many Bootcamps and exercise classes over the years and yours is the one that speaks to me. I enjoy the way you teach (making sure I am doing the exercise correctly, the encouragement when I couldn’t quite do it, then the “you can lift heavier weight than that” comments), the different levels you offer (which is so important), the support you give and the community you have created. The friendly, nonjudgmental environment that your Bootcamp classes offer made me feel so comfortable, live and virtual. The flexibility of times is also a big bonus! I am officially addicted.
- Susan -
"Believe you can and you will"
- Unknown