Degree in Kinesiology
Certified Personal Trainer through Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified

Hello and thank you so much for visiting my personal website!
As you browse around, my hope is that you are gathering inspiration from the "Testimonials" page, the transformations that you see in pictures, and from the services available to assist you in making powerful life changes. I know it inspires me and THAT is why I am involved in this line of work. I have a deep passion for helping others and I love seeing my clients thrive on a multitude of levels.
My love for fitness & nutrition began at a very early age. As a young girl I was a salad eating, garden vegetable and fruit loving kid who played any and all the sports she could. As a teenager, my deep love for sports continued (and grew more intense). I became exceptionally passionate about soccer. This passion & intensity helped me to achieve my dream goal of receiving a soccer scholarship and playing at a university level down in the States. It was a great time in my life. And when I wasn’t focused on soccer, you could find me encouraging my family to do fitness challenges together. Body for Life anyone?? Remember that Mom and Dad?! This passion for health & wellness seemed innate in my being.
I was fortunate to discover the powerful transformative and life changing effects of physical activity early on. As I trained, I saw it not only help me on a physical level with my soccer conditioning, but I could see it transforming the inside of me as well. It became a key component to my character growth over the years. I believe it has taught me the incredible power of: discipline, goal setting, dedication, perseverance, mental focus, and having a positive attitude. Nutrition has been equally influential in my life and character growth. It has tested me personally (on multiple occasions) and has shown me the immense value in listening to my body’s innate intuition, along with the importance in practicing balance, self-love, & self-compassion.
With a previous history in competitive sports, bodybuilding and the competition world, I have now found happiness and satisfaction in living and emulating a lifestyle of both discipline and pleasure. This means that I highly value BALANCE. I understand and hold great respect for the power of discipline, but I also believe in enjoying life and not being tied to a scale (food scale or bodyweight). Discipline and pleasure can both enrich our lives and I love how balance gives us the perfect ability to enjoy both. It IS possible to look and feel a certain way, while still enjoying life. It's where the good stuff is at.
Through my long history and personal experience with both fitness & nutrition I have inevitably faced many ups and downs. I feel like my intimate experience with these two areas has allowed me to be an empathetic coach and one who can relate to the ebb & flow of the journey. I understand the difficulties that come with making changes, having body image issues, and swinging from one extreme to the other. I definitely haven’t been immune to the ups and downs of the journey, and I try to channel those relatable experiences when working with others. However, this ebb & flow has ultimately led me to discover my own potential. It has provided me with many opportunities to see what I am truly capable of and to dig deeper within myself. And for this reason, fitness & nutrition have become the vehicles I use to help others reach their full potential. And you better believe that I believe in the potential of every person I come into contact with.
As your trainer/nutrition coach, I am committed to helping you raise your own standards of yourself and then working alongside you to reach them. I want you to see the awesome potential that is already inside of you. You deserve to feel healthy. You deserve to feel strong. You deserve to have a body that you are proud of and one that you love being in. I am not only here to be your trainer and nutrition coach, but also your personal cheerleader as you make your goals a reality. And I am 100% committed in helping you push outside your comfort zone in order to become the very best version of yourself. That means I will not only offer you encouragement, but will be giving tough love and honesty when you need it.
One of my favourite things about being a personal trainer and nutrition coach is the reward in seeing my clients succeed. I love seeing them achieve goals that they thought were out of reach. I love seeing them become more confident in their skin. I love seeing them transform inside and out. And I love building meaningful connections with them along the way. They have shown that if you have the heart, the determination, the dedication AND the must needed trust in me to get you to your goals, you WILL arrive at your destination.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my website. If there is anything I want you to take away from being here, it’s this: #1 Deciding to make your health and well-being a priority, is one of the best decisions you can make in life and #2 ANYTHING is possible with the right tools and attitude. Remember that each day is a new opportunity to be your best. Begin by making daily choices that breakthrough old habits and that continue to lead you to become who you envision as your healthiest & best self. Your power is in your actions. I will just provide the roadmap to help you get there


“Let yourself be silently drawn by the the strong pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”